LocalHackDay: Build, a journey

Aashi Shah
2 min readJan 18, 2021

I’m still pretty pumped with adrenaline as I write this post! Boy, what a way to start 2021.

LocalHackDay: Build is an event hosted by Major League Hacking every year where people come together to build things while competing in challenges. This year, however, LHD: Build was a seven day virtually hosted event, with participants from all corners of the world.

Everyday new challenges would be released, challenges that weren’t only well, challenging, but so creative and unique. There were technical and non-technical challenges, where either we were creating cool apps or designing our own mascots or having meals with our guild mates.

LHD: Build was truly a one of a kind experience for me, and so many of the other participants, because it was such a diverse event where hackers of all backgrounds and learnings could come together as a community.

The leaderboard updates (for hackers and guilds alike) everyday were a healthy incentive to complete as many challenges as possible, enabling us to learn so many different things and upskill ourselves in the process.

Daily workshops and events with the amazing MLHers were one of the many highlights of the event and I’ve truly enjoyed each and every single one that I attended.

The guild that I was a part of, Equicode, maintained it’s #3 rank in the leaderboard, all thanks to its amazing members and leaders, pushing themselves daily to earn points. Building this community of individuals from all over the world was very encouraging.

The leaderboard!

Eat, Sleep, Code, Repeat was taken to a whole new level at this event and a week whizzed by in the blink of an eye. I will truly miss this experience but cherish it always.

I would like to thank the folks at MLH for giving us such an amazing opportunity to learn, connect and grow.

It’s been a blast, MLH, and I’m super pumped for more!

